New England Conservatory Preparatory School

Campaigns — Branded Content

 the concept

It all begins with imagination.

These were the words, delivered by a New England Conservatory professor to her class, that inspired the “Your Moment” film for NEC Prep’s 2024 application campaign. We were so moved by her speech that we couldn’t shake the idea of exploring what might be possible if we married our own cinematic vision with the musical journeys of a few selected students.

Director: Matt Andrew + Hillary Federico
Producer: Hillary Federico
DP: Matt Andrew
Editor: Dan Fish
Original Score: Adam Calus, NEC Prep

Client: NEC Prep
Camera Operators: Matt Andrew + Dan Fish
Gaffer: Tyler Murgo
SFX: Jared Blizzard

 the challenge

NEC Prep caters to a diverse group of ages ranging from kindergarten to 12th grade.

How could we share the unique experiences of each stage in the NEC Prep curriculum, marry different genres of music, honor the mission of the school, and wrap it all up in a striking and powerful story that would inspire new students to enroll?